First Contributions
If you're not comfortable with command line then follow this simple steps.
You need git for this project, you can install git from here.
Step 1: fork the repository
fork this repository by clicking the fork icon. This will create a copy of the project in your repository.
Step 2: Clone the repository
Clone this repository by clicking the Code
drop down icon. Then click the copy to clipboard icon.
Step 3: Clone the repository to your local system
Open a terminal and run the following git
command from your system:
git clone <>the repository url<>
git clone
You need to be inside the working directory, project directory by using cd <path_to_directory>
- Do necessary installation
npm install
Step 4: Create a new git branch
Now create a branch using the git checkout
git checkout -b your-new-branch-name
git checkout -b name-md-blog1
the example branch name is just an example go nuts(be meaningfull :)).
Step 5: Make changes to the branch
Now, you can makes any changes to your repository Like adding new markdown, Change up the CSS. Add more files go nuts(the good oneπ).
- Make your changes, big or small, and then save it.
- Display the status of the repository with
git status
git status
On branch name-md-blog1
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/name-md-blog1'.
Changes not staged for commit:
bla bla bla
- Add your changes locally with git add
git add
- Commit your changes locally with
git commit
git commit -m "added new markdown"
- Now enter
git push origin <branch_name>
to push the changes to your branch
git push origin name-md-blog1
If you got stuck for the the help or ask mr.GOOGLE
Step 6: create pull request
After success git push
from local you will see Compare & pull request
button in your forked repository.
Click on Compare & pull request
- Add title and write some description
Click on Create pull request
to submit the pull request.
Soon the branch merged into the main branch of this project. You will get a notification by email
Celebrate your contribution and share it with your friends π.